Friday, August 7, 2009

Modbe Stuff

As some of you may notice, I have been busy selling all the things I don't use. No we're not moving, I'm just nesting! So take a look at the MODBE clothing that I have! Remember that this stuff has never been worn, it was only part of the display and the items were used to try on.

Brown XS, XL, Black XS, Burgandy L, Seafoam Green XXS, Black Skirt XL
ONLY $15

White Kidbe M, White XS, Red M
ONLY $10

Creme XS, Black L, Mint L, Kidbe Navy XL, Kidbe Pink XL

Sizes 2 & 8
ONLY $40

Size 6
ONLY $40

Size M
ONLY $20

Size M
ONLY $20

Size XL & Plus 2

ONLY $20


Michelle said...

If I had a cute bod and moolaa I would totally buy something. Unfourtunetly I dont have either. Bummer.

tphillips said...

HI, Rahcel Anderson sent me your blog to check out these Items...I am interested in the blue swimsuit for $20.00...let me know if it is still available and what it would cost with shipping :) Thanks!

Kurt+Amy said...

So are any of the jeans still avaialable? I know I'm way behind so you might have already found a place for them.