Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little update!

i am hungry pretty much all the time and oddly enough have had the most recent craving of hot dogs....i've detested hot dogs most of my life!
i'm feeling really tired and dont sleep well. so that's not cool.
i'm pretty done feeling large and uncomfortable only 9 weeks or so left! may 20th! yay!
i'm still amazed that it's a boy!!

we're doing pretty well for the most part! the girls are loving school when they go and aren't sick. i tell ya we've had pretty much every illness in our home in the past 3 months...ENOUGH already! today reese is home with a sore throat and cough that sometimes makes her throw up! blake enjoys school. its a nice long day and i look forward to having them go to the same school! less traveling around town and a nice quiet house for me!

man, today i'm just soooo tired! i know it will go away eventually....but it just makes for a grumpy mom!

oh and fantastic news about dan! he has 3 classes to take next semester, 1 on campus and 2 online, they all transfer to berklee which leaves that one conducting class. he was able to contact the dept chair and find out that he can do independent study and test with the professor and then be done. bada bing bada boom he'll have his bachelor's degree by the end of summer!!!!! yay! it gets even better! he wants to get a degree in information systems from byu, as it turns out the masters program is one of the few that does NOT require that he have a bachelor's in information systems. sooooo we plan on him taking all the pre-recs for the masters program over the next few semesters and begin the masters program fall 2012. it's less than a year in length!!! we really hope it all goes according to plan! and then we'll see what 2013 will bring us...that is if the world hasn't ended!

thanks for checking in on us!


KickButtMommy said...

I hear ya on the tiredness. But how exciting about Dan's plans! YAY! Hope it all goes smoothly.


I Loved reading Dan's future plans! I love hard working husbands! What a blessing!
I am so excited for y'all, a boy!

S.Shepherd said...

We need an updated picture of you before you pop. Congrats on making it this far and congrats on Dan's plans working out.

Camille said...

Hooray!!! You are down into the single digits!!!!! So, so close!!! That is GREAT news about Dan!!!! Hooray!!!! Miss you!!!

Cassie said...

Oh Shay! I am so excited that things are working out so well for Dan's schooling! I am sorry you are so tired. I was pregnant with #4 and shuttling children all around town for school too. It is tough! Hang in there, not much longer!

Kurt+Amy said...

CUTE new family pic up at the top there! Pregnancy makes you crave the weirdest things right? Things you were never even interested in before. :)
YAY about Dan and everything falling into place! That's exciting. We sure miss you and send our love. Squeeze those cute lil ladies for us!♥