Saturday, February 28, 2009

Healthy Distractions

So if you know of any healthy distraction please send them my way! I just said goodbye to my hubbie for a good long time. I hope we can get some trips in to see him because I already miss him! Of course it was only minutes ago that he left and I know that the first few days are the hardest. But here I asking for your help! And distractions!

So, distract me!

Help keep me occupied.

Help keep me sane.

And support the band and go to a show near you!


Shillig 1 said...

Well you can check out my blog. I've put new pics/posts up. I put the dates on the posts as they actually happened so it may not look like I've updated, but scroll down. I always create cleaning out every cupboard or drawer.

Katie said...

yeah they are pretty much amazing. They talk about you a lot. grandpa is pretty impressed you were on rachel ray :).

Jasmin said...

Hey! I saw you leave your blog address in a comment on Mark's video... so I'm glad I found it! My blog is if you want to check it out!

Good luck with keeping busy! My suggestion is to get a pass to the LA Zoo and go there a lot. Fun animals to teach your girls about, fresh air and sunshine! Good luck!

Jana Neser said...

Shay! Come visit me and we can go to the beach! You guys are welcome to stay the night too if you want to go to D land or something :)

Jana Neser said...

Hey Shay, I just tried to comment on your food blog but it wouldn't let me so maybe that's why you think no one reads it! Maybe I was doing something wrong. All I know is I really want a cheesey potato hot dog right about now...

Beach Mommy said...

We'll keep you busy!!